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21. september 2023 | TÜV SÜD Danmark ApS

iRobot is a world-leading robotics company that designs and builds innovative home robots empowering people to do more both inside and outside of the home. Among their newest and most intelligent products are the Roomba® j7 and j7+ robot vacuums.

The increased use of smart technologies means convenience for the consumer, but it also opens the gateway to potential cybersecurity threats. Reports of growing numbers of cyber breaches are on the rise as every connected network is only as secure as its least secured device on the system. If a smart device is vulnerable, it may be open to hacking, and private data could be compromised or lost.

Aware of concerns about unauthorized access to home networks, iRobot wanted to demonstrate the high level of security in their devices.

iRobot needed to design heightened cybersecurity protection against unauthorized access to their IoT ecosystem, and test against high industry standards. iRobot worked with TÜV SÜD on a testing and certification plan that would demonstrate that the Roomba® j7 and j7+ Robot Vacuums had not only achieved industry-standard cybersecurity protection certification but had undergone further rigorous testing by a world-leading and independent Testing and Certification provider.

TÜV SÜD first assessed that iRobot’s product complied with the IoT cyber security standard ETSI 303 645. This standard currently serves as a global cyber security baseline for consumer IoT devices. It is designed to reduce attacks such as Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS), data theft, and more.

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TÜV SÜD Danmark ApS

Hos TÜV SÜD er mere end 25.000 kolleger, fortsat forpligtet til at skabe en bedre fremtid gennem innovation og bæredygtighed.

Vi hjælper virksomheder og samfund med, at gøre deres digitale transformationer både succesrige og sikre, samtidig med at vi sigter mod at blive den mest bæredygtige virksomhed i vores branche.

Siden vores begyndelse for 150 år siden, er vi vokset konstant. I dag arbejder vi med kunder på over 1.000 lokationer. Vores kolleger over hele kloden har inspiceret, testet, rådgivet og udstedt certifikater for ca. 605.000 produkter, tjenester og systemer til dato. Vores g

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